Dr. Barnes legacy to mankind is not only his priceless Barnes Collection of art. By his genius, essentially he secured from out of the past for this time in the future, a molecular medicine he named Argyrol. Dr. Barnes was vilified for the use of Argyrol to disinfect against sexually transmitted diseases and the subject of VD never was never discussed in polite society. From the outset of the launch of Argyrol Anti-Infective into commerce in medicine in 1901, Argyrol use was for the eyes of newborns to cure neonatal gonorrheal opthalmia. Dr. Barnes amassed the Barnes Collection [insured value 60 billion] with the money he made from Argyrol. The genius of Dr. Barnes to secure the exclusivity of the drug Argyrol ensured its continuation in perpetuity beyond a limited duration of 17 years for a patent. Dr. Barnes sold Argyrol in the late 1920's to Zonite through E.F. Hutton and by the 1940's, Argyrol again was manufactured by a Barnes company. Argyrol for VD Prevention was mandatory U.S. and Allied military policy to keep the troops on the battlefront to win in WWII. VD Prevention by personal disinfection for men and women appears to have been suppressed after the death of Dr. Barnes. Advent of systemic antibiotics and systemic antivirals is outdistanced by resistant strains of super germs. Johnson & Johnson bought Argyrol from Cooper Companies in the early 1980's when Argyrol was listed World Health Organization Essentials Medicine. As epidemic HIV infections became pandemic AIDS, the molecule which is Argyrol quietly was withdrawn from commerce in medicine, although Temple University published in 1995 it's effectiveness against HIV. Finalized in 1999 under Title 21, FDA drug regulatory adjudication [globally harmonized] mandated New Drug Applications to control the economics of all molecular silver drugs. Exempt from the NDA mandate for all jurisdictions, Argyrol was lost by J&J in 2001 under legal challenge for the mark [strictly construed as the silver protein molecule for antiseptic use to disinfect mucous membranes] and has a particular protection under law that issued during Dr. Barnes' ownership. NIH/DAIDS issued a testing agreement for the use of Argyrol against HIV in 2004 and the University of Texas at the USPTO, ambitious attempt failed to acquire UT entitlement to the science of Argyrol [exhibited in attack on an HIV pathogen in UT published article at ""]. The two UT patents for the use of Argyrol [against sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and in the eyes of newborns] were denied by office action due to prior art and formally are filed abandoned. Argyrol is exclusive beyond any patent that long already would have expired and Argyrol continues in commerce in medicine as it has for over 100 years as Dr. Barnes intended, of value to contemporary medicine for the unmet dire need to disinfect and stop the spread of opportunistic infections by all pathogens.
Argyrol® Anti-Infective is world-reknowned for over a century, considered as one of the most versatile of medicines. Argyrol® is listed on World Health Organization schedules as an Essential Medicine for populations in crises, whose basic health care may be simple first aid kits, if any. Without versatile Argyrol® at hand, even routine eye infections and/or slight eye injuries can lead to loss of vision for persons in rural habitations without the basics of professional health care.

Aryrol® Pharmaceuticals is committed to manufacture and distribute Argyrol® Anti-Infective worldwide. Traveling to South Africa in 2002 to alert the South African Ministry of Health of the Argyrol® promise to once again maintain a vital health care product presence, we are heading back to Africa to implement the plan to bring Argyrol® Anti-Infective to assist daunting health care challenges facing the global public health for subsistence populations worldwide.

Committed to provide Argyrol® Anti-Infective for consumers, healthcare professionals, pharmacists and a global public health familiar with Argyrol® for over a century, Argyrol® has been performing as a versatile hygiene protocol for eyes, ears, inner ear, nose, upper respiratory system (sinuses), throat and genito-urinary tract. Vital as a surgical device to remove mucous and identify debris for ophthalmic surgery, Argyrol® effective simplicity reaches the most accomplished physicians and surgeons, to the least educated in basic health care practices.

Argyrol® is a first aid first response, 'first line of defense' hygiene protocol to benefit persons of all ages and in all populations. Argyrol® again will be within the reach of those who presently may have the least ability to basic assistance for routine health care maintenance issues.

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